Jessie Daye

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Christmas Potpourri

Naked talk and Potpourri.
I warned you.

Alright, so we're supposed to be talking about this Christmas potpourri below (which is totally fabulous BTW), but it will have to wait, because I have a serious issue that I need to discuss with all you moms. If you have small children, you may you get this ....

My three year old daughter refuses to wear clothing.
As in, she just wants to be naked all the time.
Wherever we are.
At the mall.
In the car.
At my office.
In the snack bar.
And I do not like her to be naked.
I do not like it here or there.
I do not like her naked at the fair.
She wakes up at midnight and hides her clothes.
I dress her in the am.
I dress her in the pm.
I dress this kid all day long.
We have long talks about wearing clothes.
I ask her if I should go naked to her school and she says, Yes.
I ask her if we should go naked to the mall and she says, Yes.
I tell her it's cold so she wears socks.
I tell her it's not appropriate.
And she laughs.
All suggestions are welcomed ...

Christmas Potpourri below. Your house can now smell like Christmas all year-round!
* Note: You should always wear clothes while making this on stove-top.

Christmas Potpourri

3 Cinnamon Sticks
1.2 cup cranberries
1/2 orange
3 tsp Nutmeg
1 tsp ground cloves

1. Combine everything in a small saucepan and cover with about 2" of water. (I also like to add a packet of apple cider to this, but that's totally optional) Simmer over low heat on your stove top for Christmas scent. Add water when it starts to get low.

TIPS: You can just keep re-heating this over and over again for the scent. Break your cinnamon sticks for a stronger scent.