Jessie Daye

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Halloween Skeleton Deviled Eggs

Skull mold on sale here:

Halloween Deviled Eggs

Qty: 12


6 large eggs

3 tablespoons mayonnaise

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1/2 teaspoon white vinegar

Salt and pepper, to taste

Pimentos or capers (for Skeleton eyes)

Paprika and chopped chives, for garnish

Skull mold on sale here:


  1. Add raw eggs to a pot of cold water and turn the burner to medium high. Once the water is at a rolling boil, let the eggs boil for 2 minutes then turn off the heat and cover the pot and let sit for 15 minutes. Do not lift the lid.

  2. After 15 minutes remove the eggs and submerge in an ice bath. Once cooled, peel and slice in half lengthwise.

  3. Add egg yolks, mayo, mustard, vinegar, salt, and pepper, to a small bowl and mix on high with a hand mixer until smooth.

  4. Add mixture to a piping bag, fitted with a round tip. Pipe mixture into skull mold cavities. Only fill the mold cavities half way because you will use the remaining filling for the egg whites. *(If you like a lot of filling in each egg, hard boil two extra eggs to add the yolks only to your mixture). Freeze your filled skull mold for 4 hours or until each skull pops out smoothly. Store remaining ingredients in fridge.

  5. Remove your egg whites and yolk filling and pipe the yolk mixture into all the eggs. Remove your frozen skulls. Add one egg yolk skeleton to each deviled egg. The skulls defrost very quickly. I place my deviled eggs in the fridge for 20 minutes so they all defrost in the fridge, but they will also come to room temperature very quickly if left on the counter. Add a caper or pimento to each eye socket and sprinkle with paprika.