Jessie Daye

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Striped Mason Jars

No more colored mason jar tutorials
..... said no one EVER.

Today I painted jars. It was super fun.
Do you know what isn't super fun?
Going to the dentist.
It sucked.
And I have to go again on Wednesday.
Do you ever notice how the dentist always wants to talk to you while their hand, the mirror, the drool sucker, and the scrape-y thing are in your mouth? I mean, it's ridiculous. It's terrible. We should only converse at the beginning of the appointment and then once the bib goes on there should be mandatory headphones you put on. And goggles. Yeah, we should all wear goggles so we can zone out. I want goggles next time.

You should also paint more mason jars. Scroll down for the tutorial!

Striped Mason Jars

What you need
Mason jars
Krylon White Glossy Spray Paint
Red  Acrylic paint
Paint brush
3M Painters Tape

1. Place 3 pieces of 3M painters tape around your jar, about an inch apart. Make sure to press the tape down evenly all around the jar. The portion taped will be your red stripes. 

2. Flip your jar over and place on a piece of cardboard and spray paint white. Let dry for about an hour this add a second coat of spray paint and let dry again. 

3. Remove painters tape and carefully paint the clear stripes red. You cannot place tape over the white stripes because it will peal off so you must do this portion by hand. Let dry.

Note: These are not to be washed.