Jessie Daye

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Halloween Skeleton Home Decor

Squad Ghouls at our new digs! I love Halloween and we just moved into this new house so I kicked it up a notch and put our Skeltons all over the yard.
Ummmmm, I’m kind of obsessed with how cool it came out. I made them look like they were breaking in and I’m super happy with the outcome.

Scroll down for how I did it.

Halloween Skeleton Home Decor

What you need

Home Depot 5’ Poseable Skeletons

Fishing Wire

Screw Eye Hooks


1. Pose your skeletons all over your yard. You can use their hands to interlock so they stay in place. For all my skeletons on the roof, I used screw eye hooks in my porch ceiling and wrapped clear fishing wire from the hooks to their arms or legs so they didn’t move in the wind. It’s simple!