Gluten Free Quinoa Banana Pancakes

I jumped on the Gluten-Free train this week! I've actually never (intentionally) made gluten-free food before but I have received a lot of requests for gluten-free recipes so here goes ....

Before coming up with this recipe I actually tested a few gluten-free items from my market. I myself do not have a gluten allergy so I have never tried more than a bite of anything gluten-free. Ahemmmmm, I am soooooo sorry. I had no idea what gluten-free entailed! No one should have to eat dirt! : ) OK, I'm kidding, but seriously there is no reason Gluten-free food has to be that dry.

With that on my mind and a bitter taste in my mouth I set out to make a super moist, flavorful, and healthy gluten-free pancake. The quinoa in this recipe makes for a very fluffy pancake and the banana baby food (yes, baby food) makes them extra moist. Scroll down for the recipe. Enjoy. 


Gluten Free Quinoa Banana Pancakes


1 cup gluten free flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup cooked quinoa (cooled)

1 egg

2 tbs raw sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 small jars of banana baby food (Yes, you read that correctly)


1. In a large bowl, combine the gluten free flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, cinnamon, and cooked (cooled) quinoa. Mix well. 

2. Whisk the egg with the baby food and add to the other ingredients. Mix well. (Yes, I have many jars of baby food here, but that's not why I used it. I wanted to add something sweet that would also make the pancake fluffy and moist. Baby food! Ok, now add it.)

3. Heat a non-stick griddle or frying pan over medium high heat (no oil or butter). Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot with gluten-free syrup. Top with bananas if desired. 


Raspberry Kisses


Quinoa Cookies