Homemade Caramel Apple Lollipops

Remember these bad babies? I use to work at the snack shack at the tennis and swim center in high school and these would sell like crazy in the summer time. I swear, for every dozen I sold I ate at least two. I was looking at old pictures the other day when these suckers popped into my head and I thought to myself, I should go buy a box at Smart & Final!  Then it occured to me what such an outing like this might entail. Sure, Smart & Final is only a mere three miles from the house, but this would mean changing out of my super warm, super comfy pajamas. And then I would have to actually put make-up on. Not to mention get both kids dressed and out of their super comfy pajamas. Then we would all have to get out of the car. If I were alone this would be a two minute shopping trip, but with a three year-old this simple outing turns into a 30 minute excursion and a "no you cant have that" cry-fest. And then back home we'd go to put everyone back into their pajamas. Heaven forbid I actually wear a normal outfit at home. I mean my jeans are seriously unbuttoned within seconds of  opening that garage door. So after much consideration, I peeked into my pantry and found some good ole' Jolly Ranchers.

...... and the homemade caramel apple pop was born.

What you need: Green apple Jolly Ranchers, a Silpat, caramels, candy sticks.

Place unwrapped Jolly Ranchers in groupings of three on a Silpat. You could probably use parchment paper if you don't have a Silpat. I didn't try this, so you'll have to test it out. 

If you line the Jolly Ranchers up in a row it will melt into a long oval. If you position them this way it creates more of a circle lollipop.

Place the Jolly Ranchers like this on your Silpat (only cook 4 clusters on a sheet so there is enough space to put the candy stick in when they come out). Cook them for 4 1/2 minutes on 350 degrees. Watch them carefully because between 4 and 5 minutes they will be completely melted and flatten out. They might take longer depending on your oven so It's a good idea to test one alone on a sheet before you do a bunch. They will start to bubble up on the edges when they flatten out. As soon as this happens pull your baking sheet  out of the oven and place your candy stick at the bottom of the melted Jolly Rancher. I twisted my stick so it coated it and was more secure to the jolly rancher. You have to do this immediately though. Leave the baking sheet on the counter. The sucker should harden in about 5 minutes, then remove and place on another Silpat lined tray. 


Combine one bag of the individual caramels with one teaspoon of water and microwave at 30 second intervals, stirring in between, until caramel is completely melted. Let cool for 60 seconds then dip your suckers into the caramel. 

TIP: You need to do this fast and put the caramel dipped suckers back onto the Silpat immediately or else the warmth of the caramel will melt the sucker and make it bend in half.

Let everything cool in the fridge for one hour and you're good to go!


Homemade Caramel Apple Lollipops

Green Jolly Ranchers
One bag of caramels
1 teaspoon water
Candy sticks

1. Place the Jolly Ranchers (see picture above) like this on your Silpat (only place 4 clusters on a sheet so there is enough space to place the stick in when they come out). Cook them for 4 1/2 minutes at 350 degrees. Watch them carefully because between 4 and 5 minutes they will be completely melted and flatten out. Depending on your oven they make take longer so it's a good idea to test one alone on a sheet before you do a bunch.

2. The Jolly Ranchers will start to bubble up on the edges when they flatten out. As soon as this happens pull your baking sheet  out of the oven and place your candy stick at the bottom of the melted jolly rancher. I twisted my stick so it coated it and was more secure to the Jolly Rancher. You have to do this immediately though. Leave the baking sheet on the counter. The sucker should harden in about 5 minutes, then remove and place on another silpat lined tray. 

3. Combine one bag of the individual caramels with one teaspoon of water and microwave at 30 second intervals, stirring in between, until caramel is completely melted. Let cool for 60 seconds then dip your suckers into the caramel. 

TIP: You need to do this fast and put the caramel dipped suckers back onto the silpat immediately or else the warmth of the caramel will melt the sucker and make it bend in half.

4. Let everything cool in the fridge for one hour and you're good to go!


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