Lemon Raspberry Popovers

I started redoing my house a couple months ago. I am slowly changing out all the light fixtures and picking paint colors and furniture and changing out all the hardware. I started in one room and then slowly just started doing random projects in other rooms. I always do that. Especially when I start to clean. I get sidetracked cleaning one area and then before I know it, my whole house is upside down and every drawer is open and being cleaned out! Anyway, I am changing the kitchen and painting my cabinetry so I started cleaning out some of my drawers to toss old bakeware and I found my popover pan! My newly found popover pan combined with Karen's exploding lemon tree was the the inspiration for this recipe. These are amazing .... and FYI I ate all of them (minus the one Karen ate) in 24 hours. OMG. I know.


Lemon Raspberry Popovers


1 1/4 cup of buttermilk

3 eggs

1 cup all purpose flour

3 tbsp of white granulated sugar

1/8 tsp of salt

2 tbsp butter

Zest of one lemon

1 cup of raspberries (about three berries in each popover)


1. Whisk together the buttermilk and eggs.

2. In another bowl combine the flour, sugar and salt.

3. Add the dry ingredients to the buttermilk and egg mixture and mix until well combined. Zest an entire lemon into the mixture and stir to combine.

4. Let the batter rest for 30 minutes on your counter and preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

5. Divide the butter into 12 parts and put into a 12 cavity king size muffin pan. Put the muffin pan into the preaheated oven until the butter is melted and sizzling (about 3-4 minutes). DO not burn the butter!

6. Pour the batter into each cup, filling it about halfway. Place three raspberries into each cup.

7. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes, until puffed and golden (do not open the door to take a peek, it will deflate the popovers!). Take out and let cool for a few minutes, then dust each popover with powdered sugar if desired.


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