DIY Beer Cozy
What have you made your Dad for Father's Day?
Ohhhhh you haven't made him anything?
You were just going to buy a card?
Well isn't thattttt special!
Um, no.
Make him something.
Your Dad loves you.
He paid for all your toys.
Your food.
Your schooling.
Come on ... Make him a beer cozy.
Guess what you need? A sock. Yup, a sock.
Pick a sock.
And cut the sock. You want the long part of the sock. And guess what, because we're so crafty you can still keep the bottom half of the sock and wear it as a tennis sock. Hehe.
Now this is the hard part ...... I'm kidding. The top part of the sock is already hemmed so you need to do the same with the bottom. You can either sew it or use heat bonding tape or just regular fabric bonding tape that requires absolutely nothing else. That is what I used. Easy people. This is easy.