DIY Boots
Hellllllo creative people! I'm back on the Home and Family show on the Hallmark Channel (10am/9c) and today I demonstrated 3 ways to dress up your boots! DIY Sweater Cuffs, Crochet Baby Boots, and Belted Booties. Scroll down to see the tutorials.
These are the DIY sweater cuffs .... and my solo modeling shoot.
I learned in business school that one of the worst things you can do when running your own company is to micro manage every detail .... so of course I made my own boot cuffs, modeled my own boot cuffs, and set up my camera on auto and took my own modeling photo. My teacher would be so proud.
I laugh every time I look at this picture. I'm literally smiling at the fence in front of me thinking, "My neighbors probably think I'm so weird to be laughing in the horse trail all alone with these damn sweater boot cuffs on when it's 104 today in La." : )
Ok .... so for the tutorial.
Leg warmers are super trendy right now but it's hard to find leg warmers with a fun pattern so this is a cheap and easy way to make your own. We are going to use a stretchy old sweater. (Note: the arms must stretch enough to be able to fit around your thigh.) You are going to cut it up so make sure you don't want to wear it anymore.
Using fabric scissors, cut the sleeves off of the sweater.
If your fabric isn't super stretchy you are going to need to put the new leg warmers around a jar to stretch them out while you put the bonding tape on.
This sweater is super stretchy so I don't really need the jar, but you get the point. Now you want to turn your sweater sleeve inside out and apply your bonding tape all along the edge of the sweater sleeve. If you know how to sew, you could easily sew a hem, but you would need to sue elastic thread so it was stretchy.
Now flip the hem up and press down the tape and turn the cuff right side out.
And now for the second boot DIY. Belt Boots.