Car Drawer Knobs
How to Add Some Car Flair to Your Kid's Room!
With two little girls running around, we have a plethora of Barbie dolls and Princesses at my house ..... which means, if I'm blogging about a kid craft it's usually girl-related. Well, today we made some Hot Wheels knobs and a chalkboard car track and I think they are both perfect for decorating a little boys (or girls) room!
Alright, get your glue gun out because the tutorial is below ...
You need Hot Wheel cars, knob backers (these can be found at any hardware store) and a glue gun.
Here is a close up of the knob backers. My metal plate is an inch in diameter.
Put your hot glue in the middle of the metal knob backer and place one of the toy cars right on top. Press the car down so it's nice and snug. It's easiest to turn the car upside down on a counter and push the knob backer directly to it.
(Be extra careful when doing this because the metal gets REALLY hot.)
Let the glue cool before screwing the knobs into your cabinet or desk.
Aren't they fun!? Here's one more (simpler) craft that doesn't involve any glue!