DIY Princess Crowns
This is one of those posts for all of you with little princesses running around! My oldest daughter is constantly dressing up wherever we go. I never thought I would be that parent who had their kid in the grocery store wearing a full on Rapunzel costume ..... and then I had my first girl and nothing makes me happier than seeing that big smile on her face when I tell her how beautiful she looks in her princess gown. It's definitely frustrating trying to buckle her in the car seat with that giant dress on and I seriously cannot fathom how she can wear those dresses when it's 105 degrees outside, but I know in just a couple years she won't want to wear these dresses and that will be one freaking sad day for me.
I know how expensive dress up clothes can for be so I came up with a tutorial for a crown that should cost you no more than $2! I just made a bunch for the Disney princess party we are going to throw in January. Yeah, I start planning 6 months in advance - I actually made these 3 months ago - I have issues : )
What you need
(1)12" x 12" sheet of Glitter Paper
Crepe Paper
Glue Gun
Hole Punch
Ok, to start the craft you need to download my free template and print it out.
Click here to download: Princess Glitter Crown
Next you will need to trace the crown onto your glitter paper.
The back of the paper is white and my template is white so I'm showing you on the
glitter side just for the tutorial, but trace it on the other side. You will need to extend the
sides out just like shown above. I did this so you can print the template out on a normal 8 1/2" x 11"
piece of paper. You will get 2 crowns out of one sheet of paper.
Next you need to make the pinwheel. Take a roll of crepe paper and start folding the paper into 1" wide folds
back and forth (like a fan). Once you have about a 2" thick tight accordian you can cut off the rest of the crepe paper.
Bring the pinwheel around till the ends meet. You are going to glue the ends together.
The middle is still loose but you are going to glue this portion to your crown.
Hot glue the pinwheel to the middle of your crown and let it dry. The two hole punches in the crown were made with one of those fancy punches from the craft store. You don't have to do this but I think it adds to the look.
Next you want to add your star. Again, this step is optional. On some of my crowns I use glitter numbers. If I am giving one to someone for their first birthday I will put a ONE in the middle or their first initial. They sell already die cut glitter numbers and letters at Michaels. They also have pre-done stars that come in a package of 20.
The final step is to hole punch the ends of your crown and string your ribbon through. Make sure not to put your hole punches to close to the ends. Hot glue your ribbon together instead of tying a knot. This makes it more secure and it looks better.
Click here to download: Princess Glitter Crown